Sunday, September 30, 2012

God doesn’t want us just to know who we are in Him; He wants us to become it.

God doesn’t want us just to know who we are in Him; He wants us to become it. Whenever we see ourselves being something, doing something, or going somewhere, and we believe that God’s power in us will bring this glimpse of our potential to pass, we tap into God’s power to accomplish His will. This power of God is at work in us to save us and to call us to a holy life in Christ Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 and 2 Timothy 1:8-10). Satan knows that God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20) and he is threatened by potential that is transformed by this power. Therefore, we must diligently defend God’s power within us so that our vision can be changed into mission and God’s potency may be revealed in us. God’s power in us is a second treasure to be

Friday, September 28, 2012

Many dreams die because they are shared with the wrong people.

Many dreams die because they are shared with the wrong people. Remember, others do not see what you see. They cannot completely understand the vision God has given you. Protect your potential by choosing carefully those with whom you share your dreams and aspirations, and by maintaining an environment in which your potential can be fulfilled. To maximize your life you must manage your environment and the quality of the people and resources that influence you. Your greatest responsibility is to yourself, not others.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Opinions of Others

The Opinions of Others Most of us have had the experience of sharing a great idea with friends only to have them tell us 50 reasons why it won’t work. Too often such criticism prompts us to abandon our ideas because we wanted those with whom we shared our dreams to approve of our plans. Forsaking dreams because others belittle them or say we are crazy for trying them wastes potential. So does changing our plans to suit the ideas and expectations of our family, friends, and business associates. Satan uses those closest to us, whose opinions we value, to get to our potential. He kills our vision by shaking our faith in God and our confidence in ourselves. Satan uses those closest to us, whose opinions we value, to get to our potential. Because the destroyer uses those you trust most to keep you from translating your vision into reality, you must accept that no one is for you except God. No human being can be trusted to defend your potential. You alone are responsible. By refusing to allow the disparaging comments of others to discourage you, by removing yourself from their influence when your vision becomes threatened, and by clinging to God’s commandments and directions, you can unleash the totality of God’s power within you. Jesus demonstrated the importance of disregarding the opinions of others when He went to Jerusalem one Passover and the crowds believed in Him because of the miracles He performed. But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men. He did not need man’s testimony about man, for He knew what was in a man (John 2:24-25). He had a good reason to be cautious about accepting the affirmation of the crowd: He knew the fickle nature of people. He didn’t trust their cheers and their pats on the back. Accolades should be appreciated but never required. The events of the week preceding His death confirm the wisdom of His decision. One day the people in Jerusalem received Him with great joy and hailed Him as the Messiah. Several days later they clamored for His death. Had He relied on their praise and good will, He very well may have lost the opportunity to fulfill His God-given purpose to be the Savior of the world. You too must beware of allowing the opinions of others to influence your decisions. Do not trust others to work for your good. Too often folks you thought were for you will turn against you and destroy what you have been working to accomplish. Remember, you are required to perform for an audience of one, the Lord Jesus Christ. When He applauds, then you are successful. Get your encouragement and promotion from God. Tap into the heavenly realm and receive the confirmation of your plans from Him because His opinion is the only one that counts. The opinions of others can destroy your potential if you permit them to touch your dreams and visions. To maximize your life you must declare independence from the opinions of others.
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DON’T BE AFRAID TO TRY No one can climb beyond the limitations he has placed on himself. Success is never final—failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts—courage and the willingness to move on. A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to the grave, obscure men, whom fear and timidity have prevented from making their first attempt to do something. Never tell a person that something can’t be done, because God may have been waiting for centuries for someone ignorant enough to believe that the impossible could be possible. Success is never final—failure is never fatal. The poorest of men are men without a dream. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you refuse to try. Demand something of yourself. Failure is only an incident. There’s more than the failure—there’s success deep behind that failure. Failure is the opopportunity to more intelligently begin again. When you fail, that is a great chance to start again. Learn from it and move on. Don’t be paralyzed by the failure. One good thing about failure is that it is proof that you tried. The greatest mistake you can make is to be afraid of making one. People who do nothing in life are usually people who do nothing. People who don’t make mistakes in life are usually people who didn’t have a chance to make any because they never tried. Challenge your potential. Demand things of yourself that are beyond what you have already done. Expect more from yourself than the accomplishments that are easily within your reach. What you have is not all you are. The limit of your potential is God. It is better to attempt a thing and fail, than to never try and not know you could succeed. PRINCIPLES Believe there is potential in you to accomplish something worthwhile. Unless you use your potential, you will never realize how much ability is inside you. Jump by your own challenge. Don’t wait for someone to challenge you. Don’t let the odds that are against you stop you from fulfilling your potential. Shortcuts negate your ability. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you refuse to try.

Monday, September 24, 2012

You must believe that you have the capacity to solve the problems you are facing.

You must believe that you have the capacity to solve the problems you are facing. You must believe that you have the capacity to solve the problems you are facing. After all, you are a child of the King, and He can supply you with anything you may be lacking. Your ability to solve problems stems from His unlimited ability to solve problems. So believe in your ability to solve the problems engendered by your current crisis—just as much as you believe in His ability to save you and supply you with an abundance of whatever you need.

Midwestern Bible Institute produces anointed, equipped leaders for ministry!

Midwestern Bible Institute produces anointed, equipped leaders for ministry! Our School MWBI is a free online Bible college that seeks to provide students with a thorough and comprehensive Christian education and the opportunity to develop a strong commitment and devotion to the Lord. Therefore, MWBI’s programs emphasize spiritual growth. Students are always encouraged to begin and end their day with personal devotion and meditation. This allows them to see their spiritual growth, as well as instills in them a commitment to personal accountability. Midwestern Bible Institute will begin fall classes for more information regarding enrollment go to enroll today God bless

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Importance of the Family

First, I strongly believe that the family is the bedrock of the Christian Church. If families are strong, the churches will be strong; if the churches are strong, communities will be strong; if communities are strong, nations will be strong; if nations are strong, then our world will be strong. As a result of the vast importance of the family, it is extremely important to make sure that your family is grounded in the truth. This is the case whether you are a single parent or a two-parent household.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


LIFE FROM THE SPIRIT OR LIFE FROM THE BODY? Many of us don’t appreciate how faith works. We are so used to living from what we can see, hear, and touch that we have great difficulty moving into the realm of faith. If, for example, someone asks us how we are doing, we usually respond based on the condition of our bodies or our souls. We focus on our illnesses or the depressed thoughts that are weighing us down and neglect to mention the many blessings God has promised us. These promises have a much greater impact on our lives than our physical diseases and our emotional struggles. If someone asks you how you are doing, tell them that you’re blessed. You might not look like it, but God’s blessings are in you somewhere. And each time that you say you are blessed, the blessings within you grow. Eventually what you say and what you see will match. Faith sees what hasn’t been manifested. It deals with what exists but is invisible. The minute you manifest something, it no longer requires faith, because faith is believing, conceiving, and releasing (speaking) until you receive what you desire. vision, purpose, destiny,

Monday, September 17, 2012

One of the most common questions that parents and their teenage children ask is, “How old should a person be before dating?”

One of the most common questions that parents and their teenage children ask is, “How old should a person be before dating?” The answer is not as simple as some try to make it. In reality, the question of when a young person is ready to date is very subjective, depending on the parents’ attitudes and the developmental level of the child. There is more involved than simply assigning a chronological age. Adolescents mature at different rates, and girls usually mature faster and earlier than boys do. Some children may be ready to date at the age of 13, while others may be 18 before they are ready. A person’s readiness to date is largely a matter of maturity and environment.Part of maturity is knowledge, and there are four principles or prerequisites that every person should meet before they begin dating. Knowing and applying these principles will help ensure dating success regardless of a person’s status: younger, older, never married, or newly single again.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


As I look back on the last past 10 years I have never seen politics in this order so many things are happening in our country I do not know if they can ever get better no matter what party is electric into office 1 thing I do know they need to find solutions to America's problems unemployment rate is skyrocketing even though there's claims about jobs being created I don't know too much about politics and I don't claim to know a lot about politics but  one thing I do know right in wrong what do you think about whats happenin and I country what do you think the solutions need to be if you are someone like me think hard and lung  it's going to be a roller coaster ride let me know your thoughts

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012 Fashion Lady Charming New Lovely Style Wood Dragonfly Pendant Necklace Hot Gift: Toys & Games Fashion Lady Charming New Lovely Style Wood Dragonfly Pendant Necklace Hot Gift: Toys & Games